How Car Dealers In the UAE Can Build Trust with Customers

04 May 2022 Helpful Tips


To be successful selling cars in the UAE you need to build trust with customers. Buying a car is such a massive decision, customers want to be sure that they know who they are buying from and are making the best buying decision. If your dealership fails to build trust with customers, you could risk losing them to the competition.

Here are 5 Ways Car Dealers in the UAE Can Build Trust with Customers.

1. Online Reviews

90% of Car Buyers in the UAE use Online reviews to determine what dealership to buy from. Buying a car is a stressful experience, customers want to know that they are buying from a creditable dealership before they part with their hard-earned money. The best way to grow trust with customers is by collecting and displaying Online Reviews.

To build trust with potential customers your dealership needs to gain as many reviews from past customers as possible and display them in a way that people can see. Displaying past Customer Reviews shows new potential customers what your dealership has done in the past. If your dealership has many positive reviews online, potential car buyer may be more trusting to purchase from you over the competition.

The most important part of Online Reviews is you need to make sure potential customers can see them. The best places to put your dealerships online reviews include your Google Business Listing, your Facebook Business Page and your Dealership Website. The more customer reviews your dealership has, the more trust you will build.

Related Article: How UAE Car Dealers Can Get More Google Reviews.

2. Dealership Website

45% of Car Buyers won’t buy from a dealership that has no website. As the UAE Motor Industry continues to change, a Dealer Website has become an essential tool for both dealerships and customers. To put it simply, if your dealership wants to gain customer trust you need to have a dealership website.

The main reason why customers want to see a Dealer Website is it shows that you are a legitimate dealership. More importantly, a dealer website simplifies the buying process. Using a dealer website customers can view your vehicle stock, find out where you a located, learn the price and even enquire to purchase the car without having to attend the dealership in person. With 95% of Emirati Car Buyers finding their next dealership online, a dealer website is essential for building trust in 2022.

Related Article: Why UAE Car Dealerships MUST Have a Website.

3. Provide Customers A Car Report

When it comes to buying used cars, the biggest fear all car buyers have is buying an unreliable or damaged car. A great way to build trust with customers is providing a car report which shows if the vehicles condition and if it has been in any accidents.

Providing Car Reports to customers shows that your dealership is looking out for their best interests. Many dealerships in the UAE do not provide Car reports to customers making this such a massive opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Providing something as simple as a Car Report can be all it takes for a customer to choose your dealership over the competition.

Related Article: The Most Common Mistakes UAE Car Dealers Make in 2022.

4. Honesty

This point is super simple and doesn’t cost your dealership anything, all you need to do is be always upfront and honest with the customer. Be available for customers if they have any questions, be open with your vehicle’s pricing and be sure to tell customers important information. Being honest is the easiest way to build trust with customers in 2022.

5. Fulfil Your Promise

This is super important. If you want customers to trust your dealership you need to fulfil your promise. If you say you are going to do something for the customer, make sure you go through with it. Don’t ever promise something you cannot provide. If you do, you could risk undoing all your dealerships hard work. To build trust with customers you MUST fulfil what you say you are going to do.

Related Article: What Customers Look For In A Dealership.

Final Word,

To be successful in 2022 you need to build trust with customers. The tips mentioned above are great ways your dealership can build trust with customers in 2022.

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EasyCars by Jeal is an UAE Motor Industry Specific, Dealer Management Software that automates the buying and selling of motor vehicles in the UAE. Using the latest technologies, EasyCars removes frustrations experienced at the dealership and opens doors for future growth and higher profitability.

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